Tag: vera Espindola

EP 14: Price Crisis and Domestic Market with Vera Espíndola

Did you know that – nowadays – coffee producers obtain an average 4% to 5% of the retail price? This turmoil got serious in a recent past when the coffee price hit the lowest rate, a record in the last 13 years. Different organizations, companies, associations and producers worldwide gathered searching a solution for a problem that always rises time to time.

Among angry producers and lots conferences with CEOs, Specialty Coffee Association started investing in exercises to map possible and actual solutions. During research, domestic market can be part of the solution and it is this subject we explore in this episode with the Development Economist and SCA Board Director, Vera Espíndola. We just started the conversation and there is so much to talk about! For this reason, we invite you to check the links in our website with podcasts and webinars about this theme. ALSO, we will continue this debate in Portland, at SCA Expo, April 25th 2020 at 9:45 am – 10:45 am, room: D141/D142.

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Vera Espíndola Rafael, Development Economist, Board Director SCA (she loves coffee and mezcal, by the way)

vera.espindolarafael@gmail.com ; chihuacoffee@gmail.com


Você sabia que – atualmente – produtores de café ficam com uma média de 4% até 5% do preço final do café? Essa verdade desconfortável agitou o mercado internacional e investir no mercado doméstico em países produtores surgiu como parte da solução do problema. É sobre isso que falamos nesse episódio com a Economista de Desenvolvimento e Membro da Diretoria da SCA, Vera Espíndola.


06’56” – Did you know that – nowadays – coffee producers obtain an average 4% to 5% of the retail price?

15’30” – Insights about domestic consumption market as a solution.

26’00” – Brazilian producers started investing in the domestic market

31’43” – Final insights about Vera’s research in Brazil

Audio edition: Eduardo Garcia

Images: Courtesy Re;co – Specialty Coffee Associatin


Did you know that – nowadays – coffee producers obtain an average 4% to 5% of the retail price? This uncomfortable truth stirred the international market and investing in domestic consumption in producing countries became a reasonable part of the solution. We talk about this with the Development Economist and SCA Board Director, Vera Espíndola.


Felipe Wakim, Luiza Balthazar, Thiago Antonio Aires Ribeiro, Marcio Vasques, Vinicius Porazza, Flavia C Pogliani, Napoleon G Mizusawa, Loris Robert Heleno, Lidiane Maria dos Santos, Heitor Costa Marques Júnior, Leandro Dessi de Paula, Ana Paula Rosas Batista, Cristiane Zancanaro Simoes, Juliano Goes, Matheus Almeida, Rodrigo Mascarenhas, Alex Machado Borges, Erica Cremonini Takano, Fernando Batista, Luiz Humberto Melchert Marques, Reynaldo Anauate, Silvia Magalhaes, Minas Espresso INC, Bruno Nobre, Janice Kiss, Renan D Brito, Isabella Brioitto de Melo, Ana Cristina Machado, Ciro Mecenas, Luiz Guilherme Couto Pereira, Viviani Rocha, Luiza Silva Balthazar, Veronika Maria Borges da Fonseca Japiassu, Filipe Mello Correa, Sandra Paola Bittelbrunn, Rafael Augusto Menezes Lohmann, Rodrigo Bertolotto, Lidia M Oliveira, Concetta Marcelina, Gustavo M Figueiredo, Gisele Rodrigues Coutinho, Nayra H V Caldas, Erica Cremonini Takano, Sandra Sousa, Tiago Ebisui, Lucas Veturim, Pablo Kadji Yuba, Antonio Pinto, Fred Ziegler, Nelson do Nascimento Vieira Calheiros Junior, Tiberio Valença Ribeiro, Marcel P D Maia, Carolina Wolff Schwambach Gomide, Natalia B Gomes, Giovana Nacarato, Rebecca Nogueira, Manoela T Andrade, Rafael Serato, Roberta F S Silva, Aline Codo De Faria, Regina Machado, Breno Augusto Marques da Silva, Marcia H T Santos, Mariano Martins de Almeida Monteiro, Lara Campos Lima, Mariana Lobato, Marcia Yoko, Samua Furlan Jacyntho, Martha Grill, Isabela Caper, Fabiola Filinto, Mariano Martins, Amanda Lube Murphy, Anderson de F Chaves Freitas Chaves, Paula Dulgheroff, Bruna Soares, José Renato Rodrigues Alves, Christiane Guillard, Josiana Bernardes, Angelo de Assis, Fernando Santana, Franciele Gomes, Michelle Johnson, Bruna Dias, Sergio Henrique Miranda Junior, David Santos, Ana Carolina Rizzi, Felype Hastenreiter Leite Rodrigues, Minervina Maria Monteiro Mendes, Aguinaldo José de Lima, Giuliana Bastos, Gustavo Martins Stu, Jéssyka Planski, Loraine Barcha Garutti, Regina Célia Barbieri Machado, Julio Villasmil Kupferschmid, Carlos A B Dias, Pedro Hastenreiter Leite Rodrigues, Valdick Oliveira, Arthur Rieper.

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