Tag: specialty coffee

EP 12: Brazilian coffee by Rob Stephen from OLAM

When we talk about specialty coffee and fine microlots, we usually think about small roasteries and hipster coffee shops all over the world. We already talked to these entrepreneurs – green coffee buyers – in the international community in this podcast. Now, it is time to learn from a huge company that buys commercial and specialty coffee from Brazil.

For this reason, we invited OLAM’s general manager, Rob Stephen. If there is someone “fluent in Brazilian coffee” this is the guy!! With 30 years working with coffee in different companies, he has a great perspective as a green coffee buyer who traveled and taste samples from all over the world.

Concepts and misconceptions about the biggest coffee producer in the world are listed in this episode and Rob invites you to think carefully about some topics. Is consistency important in specialty coffee market? Don’t think there is a huge potential in Brazil when a big company like OLAM invests in a diverse range of coffee products produced in the country?! Open your mind and hit play!

ABOUT OLAMThe leading food and agri-business company supplies a broad portfolio of products to over 19,800 customers who range from multi-national, world famous brands to small family run businesses. A team of 74,500 full-time, seasonal, and contract employees have built leadership positions in many of our businesses such as Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Edible Nuts and Spices.

As well as growing crops in its own orchards and plantations, and sourcing from around 4.8 million farmers globally. Olam has 12 innovation centres developing ingredients and find solutions for its customers. They also provide support services including risk management solutions and agri-logistics.

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Podcast The Exchange by OLAM

ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Brazilian Coffee Regions – Espírito Santo

EP 03: What you should know about Brazilian coffee?


Rob Stephen, general manager at OLAM



Quando falamos em café especial e microlotes únicos, geralmente pensamos em pequenas torrefações e cafeterias hipsters em todo o mundo. Nós já falamos com alguns empresários com esse perfil – compradores de café verde – no mercado internacional aqui no COFFEA. Agora, é hora de aprender com uma empresa enorme que compra cafés especiais e comerciais do Brasil. Por isso, convidamos o gerente geral da OLAM, Rob Stephen.


09’46” – Is consistency important in specialty coffee market?

11’43” – Did you know that OLAM invests in a diverse range of coffee products from Brazil?

20’28” – Talking about world coffee price crisis, is Brazil the “bad guy”?

27’25” – Aren’t you sure about buying coffee yet? Robb has special tips for you!

Audio edition: Eduardo Garcia


Specialty Brazilian coffee seems nonsense to most of international green coffee buyers until the actual days. This episode with Rob Stephen – OLAM’s general manager – comes to break some misconceptions about Brazil and its unique coffees.

COFFEA SUPPORTERS: adicionar os novos

Thiago Antonio Aires Ribeiro, Marcio Vasques, Vinicius Porazza, Flavia C Pogliani, Napoleon G Mizusawa, Loris Robert Heleno, Lidiane Maria dos Santos, Heitor Costa Marques Júnior, Leandro Dessi de Paula, Ana Paula Rosas Batista, Cristiane Zancanaro Simoes, Juliano Goes, Matheus Almeida, Rodrigo Mascarenhas, Alex Machado Borges, Erica Cremonini Takano, Fernando Batista, Luiz Humberto Melchert Marques, Reynaldo Anauate, Silvia Magalhaes, Minas Espresso INC, Bruno Nobre, Janice Kiss, Renan D Brito, Isabella Brioitto de Melo, Ana Cristina Machado, Ciro Mecenas, Luiz Guilherme Couto Pereira, Viviani Rocha, Luiza Silva Balthazar, Veronika Maria Borges da Fonseca Japiassu, Filipe Mello Correa, Sandra Paola Bittelbrunn, Rafael Augusto Menezes Lohmann, Rodrigo Bertolotto, Lidia M Oliveira, Concetta Marcelina, Gustavo M Figueiredo, Gisele Rodrigues Coutinho, Nayra H V Caldas, Erica Cremonini Takano, Sandra Sousa, Tiago Ebisui, Lucas Veturim, Pablo Kadji Yuba, Antonio Pinto, Fred Ziegler, Nelson do Nascimento Vieira Calheiros Junior, Tiberio Valença Ribeiro, Marcel P D Maia, Carolina Wolff Schwambach Gomide, Natalia B Gomes, Giovana Nacarato, Rebecca Nogueira, Manoela T Andrade, Rafael Serato, Roberta F S Silva, Aline Codo De Faria, Regina Machado, Breno Augusto Marques da Silva, Marcia H T Santos, Mariano Martins de Almeida Monteiro, Lara Campos Lima, Mariana Lobato, Marcia Yoko, Samua Furlan Jacyntho, Martha Grill, Isabela Caper, Fabiola Filinto, Mariano Martins, Amanda Lube Murphy, Anderson de F Chaves Freitas Chaves, Paula Dulgheroff, Bruna Soares, José Renato Rodrigues Alves, Christiane Guillard, Josiana Bernardes, Angelo de Assis, Fernando Santana, Franciele Gomes, Michelle Johnson, Bruna Dias, Sergio Henrique Miranda Junior, David Santos, Ana Carolina Rizzi, Felype Hastenreiter Leite Rodrigues, Minervina Maria Monteiro Mendes, Aguinaldo José de Lima, Giuliana Bastos, Gustavo Martins Stu, Jéssyka Planski, Loraine Barcha Garutti, Regina Célia Barbieri Machado, Julio Villasmil Kupferschmid, Carlos A B Dias, Pedro Hastenreiter Leite Rodrigues, Valdick Oliveira, Arthur Rieper.

EP 11: Specialty Conilon – perspective from the buyer Valentina Moksunova

Can fine Robusta and Conilon be considered specialty?! For lots of coffee professionals the answer is: YES! If the beans have quality and great sensorial attributes, we can consider them as specialty. In Brazil, lots of producers are investing time and a lot of money to improve their quality, therefore, reaching better prices.

Fermentation, microlots, better practices of drying coffee are implemented in farms in Brazil, but is there a good market for this product? This and other questions are answered by Valentina Moksunova, founder at Hummingbird Coffee Roastery in Russia, in this episode. She will give us an interesting perspective from the buyer’s side.

You may also be interested in:

EP 06: Specialty Robusta and Conilon

Fazenda Camocim


Lucas Pereira – lucas.pereira@hotmail.com

Fazenda Venturim – https://fazendaventurim.com.br/

Lucas Venturim – l.venturim@fazendaventurim.com.br

Interview with Lucas Venturim: Celebrating International Coffee Day in Moscow


Valentina Moksunova, founder of Hummingbird Coffee importer of green coffee in Russia.



Robustas e Conilons finos pode ser considerado cafés especiais? Para muitos profissionais do café, a resposta é: SIM! Se os grãos apresentam qualidade e bons atributos sensoriais, podemos considerar como especial. No Brasil, muitos produtores estão investindo tempo e muito dinheiro para melhorar a qualidade, consequentemente, alcançar melhores preços.

Fermentação, microlotes, melhores práticas na seca do café são implementadas em fazendas brasileiras, but existe um mercado para esse produto? Essa e outras perguntas são respondidas pela fundadora da torrefação russa Hummingbird Coffee, Valentina Moksunova. Ela nos dará a perspectiva do lado dos compradores.

Audio edition: Eduardo Garcia

Image: Valentina Moksunova


08’20” – How a buyer in Russia got interested in fine conilon?

14’06” – When beans processing methods changed, quality of conilons improved a lot.

21’21” – Conilon producer’s perspective and prices.


Can fine robusta and conilon be considered as specialty? Valentina Moksunova will share her perspectives as a buyer of high quality conilon from Brazil.

COFFEA SUPPORTERS: adicionar os novos

Thiago Antonio Aires Ribeiro, Marcio Vasques, Vinicius Porazza, Flavia C Pogliani, Napoleon G Mizusawa, Loris Robert Heleno, Lidiane Maria dos Santos, Heitor Costa Marques Júnior, Leandro Dessi de Paula, Ana Paula Rosas Batista, Cristiane Zancanaro Simoes, Juliano Goes, Matheus Almeida, Rodrigo Mascarenhas, Alex Machado Borges, Erica Cremonini Takano, Fernando Batista, Luiz Humberto Melchert Marques, Reynaldo Anauate, Silvia Magalhaes, Minas Espresso INC, Bruno Nobre, Janice Kiss, Renan D Brito, Isabella Brioitto de Melo, Ana Cristina Machado, Ciro Mecenas, Luiz Guilherme Couto Pereira, Viviani Rocha, Luiza Silva Balthazar, Veronika Maria Borges da Fonseca Japiassu, Filipe Mello Correa, Sandra Paola Bittelbrunn, Rafael Augusto Menezes Lohmann, Rodrigo Bertolotto, Lidia M Oliveira, Concetta Marcelina, Gustavo M Figueiredo, Gisele Rodrigues Coutinho, Nayra H V Caldas, Erica Cremonini Takano, Sandra Sousa, Tiago Ebisui, Lucas Veturim, Pablo Kadji Yuba, Antonio Pinto, Fred Ziegler, Nelson do Nascimento Vieira Calheiros Junior, Tiberio Valença Ribeiro, Marcel P D Maia, Carolina Wolff Schwambach Gomide, Natalia B Gomes, Giovana Nacarato, Rebecca Nogueira, Manoela T Andrade, Rafael Serato, Roberta F S Silva, Aline Codo De Faria, Regina Machado, Breno Augusto Marques da Silva, Marcia H T Santos, Mariano Martins de Almeida Monteiro, Lara Campos Lima, Mariana Lobato, Marcia Yoko, Samua Furlan Jacyntho, Martha Grill, Isabela Caper, Fabiola Filinto, Mariano Martins, Amanda Lube Murphy, Anderson de F Chaves Freitas Chaves, Paula Dulgheroff, Bruna Soares, José Renato Rodrigues Alves, Christiane Guillard, Josiana Bernardes, Angelo de Assis, Fernando Santana, Franciele Gomes, Michelle Johnson, Bruna Dias, Sergio Henrique Miranda Junior, David Santos, Ana Carolina Rizzi, Felype Hastenreiter Leite Rodrigues, Minervina Maria Monteiro Mendes, Aguinaldo José de Lima, Giuliana Bastos, Gustavo Martins Stu, Jéssyka Planski, Loraine Barcha Garutti, Regina Célia Barbieri Machado, Julio Villasmil Kupferschmid, Carlos A B Dias, Pedro Hastenreiter Leite Rodrigues, Valdick Oliveira, Arthur Rieper.

ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Programa de Cafés Especiais

Seja em eventos grandes ou de pequeno porte de café, lá está o SEBRAE fomentando a cafeicultura brasileira e apoiando a agricultura familiar. Presentes patrocinando ações, dando suporte técnico e/ou palestrando, é muito fácil encontrar representantes do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas. Porém, o que a instituição faz de fato para o desenvolvimento sustentável de TODOS envolvidos no mercado do café?

Nossa convidada do último episódio, que fecha com chave de ouro a série ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES no COFFEA, Karla Cardoso fala sobre o Programa de Cafés Especiais do SEBRAE e explica com mais detalhe sobre sua atuação dentro do estado do Espírito Santo. Você sabia, por exemplo, que mesmo sendo do tamanho da Suíça, o território abriga três regiões produtoras de café: Caparaó, Conilon e Montanhas do Espírito Santo? Dê o play e aprenda mais sobre esse cantinho encantado do Brasil.

Em uma ação inédita, o SEBRAE Espírito Santo decidiu inovar e convidou o COFFEA para produzir conteúdo com profundidade diretamente do coração da Semana Internacional do Café em 2018. Foram três dias intensos de evento, onde nossa editora Kelly Stein gravou seis episódios (4 em português e 2 em inglês) com um time de especialistas de peso.

Além dessas atividades, nossa jornalista também mediou três palestras imperdíveis dentro do estande e participou do lançamento das três indicações geográficas: Caparaó, Conilon e Montanhas do Espírito Santo. Assim, informação e troca de experiências enriqueceram ainda mais a visita dos profissionais do café no estande.

Home Teste 2017

Se você chegou só agora, fica a dica de ouvir todos os episódios gravados nessa parceria épica:
ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: O que são as ondas do café?
ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: A Ciência do Conilon
ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Sustentabilidade do Café
ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Brazilian Coffee Region – Espírito Santo
ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Coffee Neuroscience

Karla Cardoso, analista da Unidade de Atendimento Setorial Agronegócio do SEBRAE ES.

No matter how big a coffee event is, it is normal to see SEBRAE logo sponsoring or promoting Brazilian coffee production somehow. Few people know, however, that the Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE) has a special program dedicated to specialty coffee and family farming. For this reason, we invited Karla Cardoso to explain how the institution works especially in Espirito Santo state.

IMPORTANT: This episode was recorded during the International Coffee Week 2018, that hosted four world barista’s championships (Brewers, Latte Art, Coffee in Good Spirits and Cup Tasters). Thanks to SEBRAE Espírito Santo’s support, a studio was built in the heart of the event and you can notice that format and edition was adapted to be produced during the show. It was amazing! Recording straight from this event corridors was a dream coming true.

03’12” – Qual é o programa especial que o SEBRAE tem dedicado à cafeicultura brasileira?
08’42” – Como acontece o apoio do SEBRAE ES na região Caparaó (que abrange os estados do Espírito Santo e Minas Gerais)
13’00” – Chegou a hora e a vez do Conilon Especial Capixaba!
16’10” – O pioneirismo da cafeicultura de alta qualidade na região das Montanhas do Espírito Santo
25’19” – Sobre o lançamento oficial das três regiões produtoras de café do estado do Espírito Santo: Caparaó, Conilon e Montanhas do Espírito Santo

Fotos: Raíssa Castor.

ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Coffee Neuroscience

Did you notice that several baristas are using cups with different shapes and colors at their coffee shops and at championships presentations?! Well, we risk to state that this trend that might look random started with a Brazilian neuroscientist called Fabiana Carvalho. Her mission one year and half ago was just to understand if cup’s shapes would change how the brain understands/perceives coffee aromas and flavors.

Several experiments later, she shares her findings of this first phase in this conversation (in English) and tells what she is up to now. Colors, textures, weight and even music will change how we interpret coffee sensorial profiles. She tells about this crazy journey into coffee lover’s brains in this episode, which was recorded during the International Coffee Week 2018.


Felipe Croce, from Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza
Diego Gonzales, from Sofá Café coffee shop chain
Joseph Fisher, from April Coffee Roasters
Charles Spencer
Tim Wendelboe

IMPORTANT: This episode was recorded during the International Coffee Week 2018, that hosted four world barista’s championships (Brewers, Latte Art, Coffee in Good Spirits and Cup Tasters). Thanks to SEBRAE Espírito Santo’s support, a studio was built in the heart of the event and you can notice that format and edition was adapted to be produced during the show. It was amazing! Recording straight from this event corridors was a dream coming true.

If you speak Portuguese, you might be interested in this episode as well.
EP 10: Neurociência do café por Fabiana Carvalho

Fabiana Carvalho, post-doctoral neuroscientist at the University of São Paulo (USP). Her research project focused on specialty coffee is being supervised by Prof Charles Spence at the University of Oxford.

Já reparou que muit@s baristas estão usando xícaras de diversas formas e cores em cafeterias e em apresentações de campeonato? Bem, arrisco dizer que essa tendência que pode parecer aleatória começou com a neurocientista brasileira Fabiana Carvalho. Sua missão há um ano e meio era estudar se as formas de xícaras, canecas e copos mudariam como o cérebro interpreta aromas e sabores do café.

Diversos experimentos depois, ela compartilha suas conclusões nesse link (em inglês) e agora já articula para outras aventuras para compreender como o cérebro de coffee lovers funciona. Será que cores, texturas, peso e até música ambiente mudará a percepção sensorial do café?! É isso que ela conta no episódio de hoje em inglês.

06’55” – What is neuroscience?!
14’00” – Do cup’s shapes and colors affect how people understand sensorial profile? SPOILER: YEAP.
21’37” – After Fabiana’s findings, she describes the next steps for the future.
29’12” – Cultural background and cup’s color change how people perceive aromas and flavors?

Images: Raíssa Castor.

ESPECIAL SEBRAE ES: Brazilian Coffee Regions – Espírito Santo

What if we told you that you can find in only one state (the size of Switzerland) three different terroirs producing excellent coffee?! We are talking about Espírito Santo state and its beautiful origins: Caparaó, Conilon and Espirito Santo Mountains. If you are into specialty coffee, you definitely already heard about these regions and probably tried some of these coffees as well.

If not, you are more than welcome to learn a bit about these regions with the coffee expert Eystein Veflingstad, from 3 Onda Café company. The Norwegian coffee consultant felt in love with coffee scene in Brazil and decided to stay… for good!

Looking for more information about Brazilian coffee? You might be interested in these two episodes as well.
What you should know about Brazilian coffee?
Specialty Robusta and Conilon

IMPORTANT: This episode was recorded during the International Coffee Week 2018, that hosted four world barista’s championships (Brewers, Latte Art, Coffee in Good Spirits and Cup Tasters). Thanks to SEBRAE Espírito Santo’s support, a studio was built in the heart of the event and you can notice that format and edition was adapted to be produced during the show. It was amazing! Recording straight from this event corridors was a dream coming true.

Eystein Veflingstad, Norwegian coffee consultant working for quality in Brazil and owner of 3 Onda Café company. He is specialized in roasting and post harvesting utilizing sample roasting and cupping as the primary tools for helping coffee farmers become autonomous in their daily work.

Já pensou que em um único estado (do tamanho da Suíça) você pode encontrar três regiões produtoras de café de qualidade e com perfis sensoriais BEM diferentes? Estamos falando do Espírito Santo e suas três indicações geográficas: Caparaó, Conilon e Montanhas do Espírito Santo. Se você trabalha com café especial, você com certeza já ouviu falar dessas regiões e provavelmente já provou café de lá.

Em caso negativo, você é nosso(a) convidado(a) para aprender um pouquinho sobre essas regiões com o especialista Eystein Veflingstad, da empresa 3 Onda Café. O norueguês, consultor de qualidade em café, se apaixonou pela cena de cafés no Brasil e decidiu ficar!

09’10” – Describing Caparaó coffee producing region.
14’00” – Espírito Santo state holds arabica and conilon coffee producers.
19’00” – Learn more about region called Montanhas do Espírito Santo (Espirito Santo Mountains).
23’30” – Thinking to visit these regions? Take note of Eystein’s tips.

Images: Raíssa Castor.

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