Tag: global coffee plataform

EP 05: Sustainability in Coffee

There was time when recycling and protecting water sources were enough for the market. Now, the concept of sustainability is more complex and it goes beyond environmental issues. In order to be sustainable, it must take care of economic and social aspects too.

Considering the diverse aspects and players in this bold mission, several institutions and coffee players are working in order to meet sustainable attitude in different segments in the coffee chain. Today’s episode will describe only one big operation that Global Coffee Platform (GCP) is working in partnership with P&A International Marketing (a private company) to assure that Brazilian coffee industry is in the right path.

For sure, one episode is not enough to discuss the complexity of this subject. So, other conversations with different experts are yet to come.

Pedro Ronca, agronomist and a consultant at P&A International Marketing.

Foi-se o tempo em que reciclar e proteger algumas nascentes eram suficientes para o mercado. Agora, o conceito de sustentabilidade é muito mais complexo e vai além de questões ambientais. Para ser sustentável, os aspectos sociais e economicos também são importantes.

Considerando aspectos diversos e diferentes perfis de empresas/interesses nessa missã ousada, diversas instituições estão trabalhando arduamente para atender essa demanda. O episódio de hoje descreve apenas uma que a Plataforma Global de Café (GCP) está focando em parceria com a P&A Marketing (Empresa Privada) para se certificar que a indústria brasileira de café está no caminho certo.

Um único episódio não é suficiente para discutir a complexidade desse tema. Por isso, outras conversas com especialistas diferentes serão publicadas aqui no COFFEA.

06’58” – What is the real meaning of sustainability?
11’41 – Why did sustainability become a priority in Brazil?
22’15” – What is the role of ‘new generation’ and ‘women in coffee’ in this sustainable quest?
28’52” – Brazil is the largest supplier of certificated sustainable coffees in the world.

Institutions mentioned in this episode at the moment 18’04”.

Episode edition: Eduardo Garcia.
Photo: Marina Carvalho.

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