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32 MIN

EP 04: Coffee Seasonality in Brazil


Pruning, fertilizing, harvesting and choosing different strategies in the coffee farm can be challenging. For this reason, we invited the Agronomist Engineer Gustavo Guimarães to explain basic concepts about coffee plantation and describe the coffee seasonality in Brazil. More than a coffee calendar, our conversation will bring some curiosities related to Cerrado Mineiro where he works nowadays.

During the conversation, he suggested an international agricultural internship and exchange programs that you can apply here. For more information about Federação dos Cafeiculturores do Cerrado Mineiro (Cerrado Mineiro Coffee Producers Federation).


Gustavo Guimarães, Agronomist Engineer gratuated at Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) and he works at Cerrado Mineiro origin nowadays.


Poda, fertilização, colheita e a escolha de diferentes estratégias de gerenciamento da fazenda de café pode ser desafiador. Por isso, convidados o engenheiro agrônomo Gustavo Guimarães para explicar os conceitos básicos do cultivo de café e também descreve a sazonalidade do cafeeiro no Brasil. Mais que um simples calendário do café, nossa conversa também falará sobre curiosidades do Cerrado Mineiro, região onde Guimarães trabalha atualmente.

**Episode’s photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash.

Short Cut

If you don’t have time to listen to the episode, we prepared a nice short cut with important topics so you can go straight to the point that you are interested.

  • 4:00

    Have you ever thought about doing exchange programs in farms?

  • 06:53

    Did you know that the coffee calendar in Brazil starts during spring (September)?

  • 16:27

    What are the challenges throughout the coffee year?

  • 21:30

    Learn more about innovations and field experiments in Cerrado Mineiro.

4 comentário

  1. Dimas Hilario disse:

    Great podcast, my name is Dimas, my wife’s side of the family has been involved in coffee for generations. I enjoyed the interview, I personally have a project to get involved in the Soecialty coffee movement. Great work, i’ll Be listening to your other casts, best – Dimas

    1. admin disse:

      Hello Dimas! We are glad you enjoyed our episodes!
      Where are you from? If you need connections with the Brazilian specialty coffee… we can help you 😉
      Everything to promote great coffees to great people. Let’s keep in touch!

  2. Hugo Portes disse:

    Muito bom mesmo! Fico feliz de ouvir um material tão bem elaborado e profundo sobre café especiais! Parabéns! Estou acompanhando e compartilhando todos os episódios!

    Vida longa para a “Coffea”!!!

    Hugo Portes
    Coffee Chef @CarmoCoffees

    1. admin disse:

      Grande Hugo! Estamos muito felizes com suas palavras!
      É muito bom saber que você está compartilhando com seus amigos, familiares e colegas de trabalho.
      Aproveitamos essa mensagem pública para agradecer pela doação em dinheiro para o COFFEA.
      Como veículo independente, precisamos muito do apoio de nossos ouvintes para continuarmos a produzir material relevante sobre café.
      Do fundo do coração, MUITO OBRIGADA!

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